About us
Looking for a sworn translator? Looking for a specialist translator? Looking for an interpreter?
Send us the scanned documents that you need to translate. Our e-mail: biuro@ahead.org.pl or call us: +48 12 634 21 67; mobile: +48 501 411 251, Skype: . You will immediately receive the quote (price) and the date when the translation will be ready. Usually, certified translations of short documents are ready on the following day. You can pick them in our registered office 24h/7 in ul. Galicyjskiej 25 L in Zielonkach (north of Cracow, only 9 km from Cracow down-town). Or you can pick them directly in Cracow from 9:00 to 17:00 in the office in Friedleina 7/11 depending which address is more convenient for you.
Specialist Translation Agency Ahead Translations Tłumaczenia provides all kinds of translation and interpreting services cooperating with a team of over fifty qualified translators and interpreters with long-term experience. They are professionals in different fields of knowledge who are perfectly familiar with the language (jargon) of various specializations. That is why we guarantee high quality translations and interpreting services for our clients.
All materials, documents and any other information related to translations or arising out of them are confidential. Translators, interpreters and proof-readers are bound by the confidentiality clause and treat all materials as professional secret. We are honest, reliable and trustworthy
Maria Zeman
Sworn translator & interpreter of English & Russian